The Job We Elect Our Representatives to Do

Under our U.S. Constitution, we citizens elect representatives to go to Washington to address the biggest issues common to all 330+ million of us.

On each issue, their job is, after much analysis and debate, to set policy and enact legislation that will most effectively benefit the common good of the greatest possible percentage of us all. This includes climate change, education, healthcare. defense, transportation, consumer safety, financial regulation, and much more.

On each of these issues this means first setting the objective, then analyzing all the ways we might achieve that objective. Then, after extensively researching all the economic and other implications for each alternative, implementing the alternative that best meets the goal of serving our common good.

On healthcare, for example, a sensible public policy goal that serves our common good, would be to set policy (regardless of whether delivered privately or publicly,) to provide all Americans with good quality healthcare, at the least overall system-wide cost, in a manner that is financially sustainable out into the future.

Sadly, a majority of those in Congress are not representing the common good of we American people.


To Get Better Representation, Here are Fixes We Need:

Problem: Congress isn't working for most people

A majority of those we elect to Congress aren’t able to do their job to equitably represent the American people. A minority in the Senate are able to block legislation on issues important to us all, even when these actions are supported by a majority of Americans and their elected representatives. Moreover, many have been compromised (corrupted) and don’t want a more open, fair, equitable and competitive political process that would better serve citizens. That would make it harder for them to get reelected and stay in power.

Our political system gives many incentive to act in ways that place their own re-election interests, those of their wealthy and influential campaign funders, and those of their political party above the common, broad interests of the American people.


End political corruption. Change their incentives via Fix Our Democracy improvements to our political system, as set forth below.

In addition, work with others to support those in Congress willing to pass national standards, including the Fair Representation Act, the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, DC Statehood, and a Constitutional Amendment to transform our political system and move our country closer to realizing the true promise of democracy.

Reform our political process to get more competition, more turnover, and better representation for our common good and the future of our nation.

Problem: Representatives serve the biggest donors

Currently, those who would represent us have huge incentive to serve the interests of their biggest donors, not the interests of the American people and our nation.


Instead, allow 100 percent of all registered voters to fund elections via a small rebate of our income taxes to every registered voter who can distribute this money in small donations to candidates we chose.

Problem: A small percent gives the most money

Ninety-eight percent of us don’t give even a dime directly to any federal candidate or political party.

Of the two percent who do, just 25,000 individuals out of 330 million of us give the really big donations that distort representation toward their interests, instead of our interests.


Give candidates incentive as above to pay attention to us all.

Problem: Rules are set in the two parties' favor

Currently, both political parties set the rules to rig the system in their favor.


Make our political system open and fair to all candidates with multi-member districts via changes to our statute and constitutional laws at both state and federal levels.

Problem: Independents are disadvantaged

With party primaries and caucuses, they disadvantage the 40 percent of Americans who are independents.


Let all voters participate in open primaries with all candidates on a single ballot, so the political establishment can’t control primaries and limit which candidates we can vote on.

Problem: The current system favors the minority

With many candidates, using plurality voting often picks winners with far less than majority support. This increases partisanship and division.


Use ranked choice voting to allow voters to rank a wider range of candidates in order of preference, so if your vote cannot help your top choice win, your vote still counts for your next choice, and the winner has the support of a majority.

Problem: Gerrymandering

With gerrymandering, the party candidates pick their own voters, instead of voters picking the candidates they like best.


Outlaw gerrymandering. Adopt Independent Election Commissions and mandate that they redraw voting district boundaries to comply with U.S. constitutional and statute law and be independent from legislative and political party influence.

Problem: Parties heavily control debates

Parties heavily control the candidate debate process. They limit the areas for questions, pick the moderators, and limit who can participate.


Have Independent Election Commissions help voters learn about each candidate via fair, open, debates with independent moderators that include all candidates with sufficient support based on the number of all registered voters who contribute, not just by the amount of money contributed.

Problem: Parties can limit who votes

Parties and states use rules to limit who can vote, and how.


Grant every American of legal age the right to vote and protect that right. End voter purges, make Election Day a holiday, enact automatic and secure voter registration and vote-from-home ballots that let them exercise that right.