
Great news!   I'll be arriving in Lincoln, NE on Wednesday, May 29th, and Walking to Fix Our Democracy has reached 1,800 miles -- the halfway point! 



When I arrive tomorrow, I'll be leading a symbolic one-mile walk into Lincoln, followed by an event hosted by Nebraska pro-democracy organizations, gathering to discuss ranked choice voting, open primaries and other solutions making sure all eligible Nebraskans can vote, and that when they do, they can elect representatives who are responsible to the needs of the citizens and work for the Common Good.

Civic NebraskaNebraskans for Better GovernanceCommon Cause - Nebraska and other organizations will help me lead the symbolic May 29th walk with supporters, beginning at the Hamann Rose Garden at 2:30 Central Time, and ending at Antelope Park at 3:15 pm, followed by democracy reform talk.  Find the complete walking route and timeline here.

My thanks to Civic Nebraska and the other organizations  and others for their warm welcome and amazing support in making this event happen!


Rick Hubbard


P.S. - Also THANK YOU to my new friend and volunteer, Peter Hack, who will be my support driver for the next 10 days. 

I'm grateful, Peter, for your contribution to our mission for better representation!  - RH

Volunteer Peter Hack

Rick Hubbard


Citizen, activist, writer, retired attorney and former economic consultant.