I'm headed toward Santa Fe, NM for a September 1 rally outside the capital building, known to the locals as the Round House.
I'll be arriving in Santa Fe, NM Friday morning, September 1 and will walk to the east side of the Round House for a rally at 12:10 p.m. hosted by Indivisible Santa Fe , Breaking Big Money’s Grip on America, Common Cause NM, and Represent.Us New Mexico. The nonpartisan event is free and all are welcome.
I'll be speaking on the New Mexico Voting Rights Act, but also about the work we have yet to do nationally, starting with the passage of the Freedom to Vote Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act. We must guarantee that our elected representatives work for US, not special interests! Join us! And bring some friends!
My thanks to Bruce Berlin, John House and their activists for putting the event together! Even if you don't live locally, please share this event with your friends in New Mexico!
- Decide what event or events will best help advocate for democracy reform in your community and state. Then coordinate with Rick or his volunteers.
- Identify and offer overnight housing for Rick and any volunteers.
- Set up interviews with local media and coordinate with Rick or his volunteers.
- Identify an appropriate location and time on the edge of your community to gather and park to meet Rick and begin a walk into town with banners and signs. Coordinate with Rick and volunteers.
- Identify opportunities for Rick and others to speak at local colleges, universities and schools. Coordinate with Rick and volunteers.
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