August 18, 2023

Dear Friends, 

As you read this, I am driving from Vermont to New Mexico to resume Walking to Fix Our Democracy.  

It's a been a long few months since Sally passed in April.  So many memories and feelings with which to grapple, let alone dealing with the staggering expenses and paperwork generated by our dysfunctional U.S. healthcare system.  But I think I'm ready to pick up my American flag, lace up my walking shoes, and get back to mobilizing Americans to save our teetering Democracy.

This fall and early winter, I'm going to walk until it's too cold, then perhaps take some off-road time talking with Presidential candidates in Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina. If you know me, you know I'll give them an earful!   I'll resume the walk in April and be in Washington, DC by just after the inauguration in 2025. 

In addition to reminding our citizens what their elected representatives SHOULD be doing to serve the greater good, I'll also be talking about the Freedom to Vote Act and John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, and WHAT YOU CAN DO to help get them passed.  The FTVA was just reintroduced in the U.S. Senate in June, and will be a big step forward in keeping our country for We the People, instead of We the Special Interests.

I've also just loaded a new podcast, continuing my series of Reasons to Fix Our Democracy.   This one is entitled  "Reason #3 to Fix Our Democracy - So Capitalism Will Broadly Benefit We the People and Strengthen Our Nation."  I hope you'll take a listen. and please share the link with your friends.  Reasons #4 and #5 will be out shortly.  

Finally, although I'm "back," some days may be more putting one foot in front of the other, rather than a crusade to save our Democracy.  So I'm going to need your help, and the help of your friends and your friends' friends.  Together, we'll make a difference.

Thanks for all your love and support,

Rick Hubbard

Contact Rick



Rick Hubbard


Citizen, activist, writer, retired attorney and former economic consultant.